Split Sea

Split Sea

Monday, May 23, 2016

While We Wait

Not a whole lot has happened since our last post.  We are STILL waiting on Callie’s LOA.  We are not just sitting here twiddling our thumbs though J

The Lord continues to prove to us that He has every aspect of this journey in His hands.  We were told we would be considered for a grant from Adoptions from the Heart May 3.  We were so praying this would happen.  You see we are projecting our travel to be end of July beginning of August and that is the highest tourist time for China.  This means the estimated costs for our plane tickets and hotel will probably not cover the cost.  So even if we would have only received a small grant it would have helped to cushion that extra expense.  We were informed we did NOT receive the grant.  I was kind of proud of myself because my first response was, “Ok Lord you must have this all taken care of already!”  This past week in one day we received two checks for the adoption that equaled $1000!  God has this!!!!  Every piece of it.  We received a video of Chayla (which I am not going to share for privacy reasons) and we were discouraged with what we saw.  Then the Lord reminded me we have two daughters coming home so they will have each other through the scary, emotional and uncertain times.  Before we knew there were two daughters for us I had never really thought about the comfort this will be for both of them.  To see someone else that looks like them, talks like them (for a little while) and is going through the same things they are and to have a sister to do life with.

Ciara has been at me for MONTHS to redo her bedroom.  When we found out we have two daughters coming home and not just one we knew we would need to make some significant changes to her room.  We took down the crib.  This is the first in 18 years there isn’t one up somewhere in our house.  It was kind of sad.  We also took her antique rope bed down.  We painted the walls.  Ciara has wanting to make an accent wall with circles since she started talking about this so we let her pick the colors and do it.  Her friend Becca helped her and they did the majority of it free handed.  It looks great!  My mother said we could have the day bed that she had so we brought that home for Ciara.  We are in the process of painting the bunk beds that we were given by some awesome friends.  When it is completely finished I will post a picture of the finished product.
The "pink" room Ciara wanted rid of
Painting, painting and more painting

Bunk beds being painted
We are anticipating Conrad’s graduation from Manheim Central High School on June 9th.  So we have been busy trying to plan his party before he leaves for three weeks to go to North Carolina to help harvest Sage.


We were told that our agency received our authenticated paperwork back a week and a half ago and they sent it to the Chinese Government last week.  So we are really praying that they will issue our LOA for Callie quickly since they have the “extra” step of paperwork that they required from us.  We are getting to the point of having to rethink when we might be able to travel and I don’t like this one bit L  I know God has this all in control also it is just so hard to remember when while we are in the middle of it.

Exodus 14:14 says, “The Lord is working for you, and you have only to be silent.” This verse has been a daily reminder that we need to just rest in the Lord and it WILL happen in His perfect timing.  This is so not me.  I am very much like my Daddy in that I want to fix it and I always have a plan “A”, “B” and “C” to back it up.  So resting in His arms and trusting Him is work for me.
A sister from Church had a word for us last Sunday and it was focused around this verse.  She had no idea it is one of our verses we are clinging to.  The word the Lord gave her for us is that the sea has already been split and we need to just continue walking through it while we rest in the Lord as He works for us.  AS we worship and thank the Lord for all He has already accomplished for us through the process He will continue to break the chains for the remainder of the process to move quickly.

We sold 60 t-shirts.  Thank you to everyone that ordered one.  They were delivered to me the end of last week so I will be making contact with you for delivery.

We kicked off our puzzle fundraiser a week and a half ago and the support and Blessings given have been overwhelming.  If you did not receive information on this and would like to be involved please comment in the comments below.
Lastly we were surprised with an update from the girls last week.  We received our first picture of the girls TOGETHER!!!!  They also told us they will be moving the girls together.  There was one concern in the update but will wait until we have confirmation on it to share.  Just pray we get that confirmation this week, nothing life threatening.  We so want to be able to be with our girls to be a support and love on them for anything scary they have to go through in life.   

A painting a friend did that I can't wait to get
on my wall with our girls pictures