Split Sea

Split Sea

Thursday, June 16, 2016

A Little Sunshine in Our Wait

If you remember 2 posts ago I shared that we had a concern for Chayla.  Well our agency confirmed yesterday that she had surgery back on March 30.  We couldn't believe that they would have corrected her palate because we have been told that once children are matched that the orphanages do no further surgeries. There must have been a lack of communication between the Chinese Government and the orphanage because we had Pre Approval for Chayla Feb. 8 already.  We were told that yes in deed she did have her palate repaired.  According to the medical report that we have had translated the surgery went well and there were no complications.  She was discharged April 6 and went to an in between house while she needed extra care before she went back to the orphanage.

This probably sounds good to most of you but the first thing that hit me was that she had to go through another surgery without her Mommy and Daddy there to help console her and love on her while she was healing.  This makes me very sad.  The only things good in my mind with this is that she had her surgery in Beijing which is where she had her lip repaired also and they did a fabulous job.  The other thing is that it is done when she comes home.

Our agency has been working and thinking and working and thinking to try and figure out why we have not gotten LOA for Callie yet.  Well today they told us that they re submitted our dossier online yesterday.  It was saying in the system that our paperwork was already cleared because they had cleared it for Chayla's LOA.  So by them re submitting it someone noticed this and started on it.  So now the paperwork for Callie is saying it has cleared translation and is being reviewed.  This isn't really what we wanted to hear today but we are praying that since it is being reviewed that we can still have LOA this week.  Tomorrow preferable!

Then late this afternoon we received these:
They truly look like they are enjoying being together
and starting to bond with each other.  Holding hands.
This picture makes our hearts so happy.
Will help us get through the wait.
They are together!! :)

Lord Thank You!  that Chayla looks like she is recovering from her surgery and that the Girls are starting to bond.  Thank you for the Blessing of this picture as we continue to wait for LOA.  Thank you for our agency doing everything they can to help us get to our girls as fast as we can.

Bring on LOA PLEASE!

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