Split Sea

Split Sea

Monday, April 11, 2016

Letting God fight the fight to our Daughters

We were blessed and reminded again this past weekend at an adoption conference that we attended that we need to rest in the Lord and allow Him to fight the fight to our daughters.  We can be prepared and organized so when the next step comes we are ready to do what we need to do but we need to continue to rest in the fact that His timing is PERFECT!  That we will be able to travel to the girls in his timing and not ours.

The day after I posted our last entry the Lord reminded me of this verse:
2 Corinthians 20:15, thus says the Lord to you, "Do Not Be Afraid nor dismayed for the battle is not yours, but God's."

Then my devotional reminded me, Some battles will only be won when God takes over the fight.  You can know you are in that kind of battle when all you have tried has failed, all you have prayed has fallen flat, and you know nothing else to do.  It is at that point you can stand still and let God so the fighting.  Just do what is in front of you to do and know God is with you. (Woman of Faith Devotional Bible)

This is exactly what we went through with Chayla.  We had tried all we knew to do to secure her file.  It wasn't until we stopped fighting and allowed God to do the fighting for us that we were able to lock her file.  We had given up and were TOTAL relying on God to fight the battle for us. 

The other verse that has been very important to us during this journey has been,
 Matthew 17:20, I say to you if you have Faith as a mustard seed you will say to this mountain, "Move from here to there and it will move." Nothing will be impossible for you.

We have seen so many mountains moved in our behalf and seas split in our journey so far and yet there are still so many more that need to move.

Just a few mountains and seas to split:

*Still waiting on our USCIS update-need this to submit our home study update to be authenticated before being sent to the Chinese Government so we can receive our Letters of Acceptance for the girls.
*That the authentication process happens quicker than normal.  We really would like to have our LOA(letters of acceptance) before the end of April.  All the while reminding ourselves God's timing is perfect :)
*That once we have LOA the orphanage will be willing to move the girls to Callies's sleep and play room.  We are asking specifically for Callies's room because from some pictures we have received we feel the children in her room may be being better taken care of then Chayla's.
*That the Lord starts to prepare the girls little hearts for the huge change that is about to take place in their lives.  We thank the Lord for the blessing of bringing the girls home to their forever family which is ours but along with that blessing comes lots of loss and pain for the girls also.  We pray He gives us the wisdom, courage, compassion and direction in helping them to process all of that as it comes.
*Attachment-this so so important for all of us.  We want the girls to know that we love them and will be there for them forever.  This process will  take time.  That we are aware of the signs the girls give  to tell us they need more "me" time with Mama and Daddy.

We did receive a video update on Chayla and Callie last week.  That was fun and made them feel "real."

Thank you! all for your continued prayer support and encouragement through our journey.  We know it is the prayers of you all that help to sustain us each and every day.

Image result for pictures with Matthew 20:17
How appropriate!
The mountain and the sea.

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