Split Sea

Split Sea

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Slow Forward Progress

We have been warned that as we get closer to bringing our daughters home that satan gets more angry and starts to try to cause havoc in whatever way he can.  Well this week we were told that the Chinese government wants us to redo three of our documents and have them authenticated again.  This doesn't sound like a big deal but could cause weeks to be added to our timeline.

We received word that our social worker is now going to be the Director of Adoption at our agency.  We are very happy for her but this adds more responsibility to her pile as she helps the new social worker transition into her position and she moves onto her new position. We are happy that she said she will stay with our family through process since we are a "rare" case :)

We received a video of Callie this week.  She is such a sweetheart. We have yet to receive any update on Chayla.  This has me a little concerned.

So some prayer requests for this week are:
1. That the Lord continues to split the sea for us to get to our daughters
2.Coverage for our family
3.That the paperwork we had to submit is processed in a speedy manor
4.That we receive some kind of update on Chayla this week
5.That we can continue this journey to our daughters without fear

Thank you all for your support and prayer coverage!

We have received what we think will be our last pack of paperwork.  So excited to see this part of the journey come to an end.  I hate to think how many trees we may have killed while doing all of this :(

That's it for now.  Hope to have better new next week.

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